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OUTRIGGER Mauritius Beach Resort

Recreation Activities
Recreation activities program
These complimentary guest activities offer a glimpse into Mauritius' active lifestyle. Activities are exclusively for guests of OUTRIGGER Mauritius Beach Resort. Activities and schedules are subject to change.
9:00 am - 5:00 pm daily: Free boat house activities: Kayaking, paddle boat, stand up paddle, snorkeling trips, glass bottom boat tours. Reservations recommended (ext. 5052).

8:30 am | Full body workout
11:30 am | Aqua gym
2:00 pm | Domino tournament
3:30 pm | Dart
5:00 pm | Badminton
9:00 pm | Evening entertainment at Le Bleu

8:30 am | Beach jogging
11:30 am | Aqua gym
2:00 pm | Skyjo tournament
3:30 pm | Archery
5:00 pm | Beach volleyball
9:00 pm | Evening entertainment at Le Bleu

8:30 am | Abs workout
11:30 am | Aqua sega
2:00 pm | Initiation to Creole
3:30 pm | Initiation to Sega dancing
5:00 pm | Table tennis
9:00 pm | Evening entertainment at Le Bleu

8:30 am | Full body workout
11:30 am | Aqua gym
2:00 pm | Tournament rummy brix
3:30 pm | Round net
5:00 pm | Beach tennis
9:00 pm | Evening entertainment at Le Bleu

8:30 am | Zumba & outdoor hit cardio
11:30 am | Aqua gym
2:00 pm | Tournament carrom
3:30 pm | Bocceball
5:00 pm | Football & round net
9:00 pm | Evening entertainment at Le Bleu

8:30 am | Outdoor workout
11:30 am | Aqua gym
2:00 pm | Bingo
3:30 pm | Archery
5:00 pm | Beach volleyball
9:00 pm | Evening entertainment at Le Bleu

8:30 am | Stretching
11:30 am | Aqua gym
2:00 pm | Playing card
3:30 pm | Dart
5:00 pm | Archery
9:00 pm | Evening entertainment at Le Bleu