Welcome to the OUTRIGGER Zone
Ocean + coral conservation at OUTRIGGER Resorts & Hotels

Our OUTRIGGER Zone conservation initiative serves to provide enriching experiences for our guests, hosts and local communities; as well as to ensure that our properties actively do their part to protect our oceans and help them to thrive for generations to come.
Our link to the ocean is unbreakable
As the premier beach resort company in the world, our ocean's health is intricately linked to our success. Therefore, its stewardship is our responsibility. And we take that seriously.
Our commitment in action
Click on the circles below to see how we're making a difference.

How can you get involved?
Small steps can make a big difference. Something everyone can do is use "reef-safe" sunscreens like those that we've had at our resorts since 2014. Some chemicals in common sunscreen brands can be harmful to coral reefs and marine environments. Fortunately, there are mineral sunscreens that reflect the sun’s rays using ingredients like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide that are safe for our ocean environment.