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    Outrigger Mauritius Beach Resort - Electric Bike Back to all stories

    An e-ride on the wild side

    Calling all eco-adventurers:

    E-bikes have arrived at OUTRIGGER Mauritius Beach Resort - and they are absolutely our new favorite way to discover the beautiful surroundings of the resort.

    What's so great about e-bikes, you ask? For starters, they allow users to travel in less time and effort. E-bicycles are not motorbikes - but at full speed, they can go up to 25km per hour! The electric motor really provides a boost when needed.

    Unlike traditional bicycles, anyone can ride an e-bike! Adults, children, elderly cyclists, sedentary persons, people with reduced mobility and those with limited physical ability. E-bikes are the perfect choice for people who do not have the same physical strength as their cycling partner, who have not exercised for a long time, or people who may have physical limitations or health issues. 

    Take an eco-trip with a qualified guide from Electro Bike Discovery to see the magnificent landscapes of southern Mauritius. Half day and full day trips include Le Morne Brabant (a breathtaking mountain classified as a UNESCO world heritage site), Chamarel (one of the main natural attractions of Mauritius, with its seven coloured earth) or Souillac (a beautiful and wild site on the South coast). Those 3 guided trips include unique insights, historical explanations, and stops for Mauritian food and drink with locals – the perfect way to discover the authenticity of the island! 

    Take a ride on the wild side - we dare you! Find out more about Electro Bike Discovery in Mauritius by clicking here.



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